The Master Race


Date: June 26, 2008
Issues: Trade

I've traveled to Germany every summer for the past 34 years. And German friends or relatives have visited me in America for every one of those years.

I lay here at night listening to the Harleys (sans mufflers) rumble and bark down the boulevard. That doesn't happen in Germany. The Germans require mufflers, even on Harleys. The Germans don't allow that level of noise aggression.

It's boring in Germany. Coffee klatsches and polite, obligatory conversations with the baker, the neighbor and with relatives: "Soft butter is easier to spread than hard butter;" and "The pickles with salt taste better than the pickles with sugar." In America, I just grab my food and run. Why waste time talking?

But in America violence is off the chart: "Crime spoils great outdoors" is today's headline: road rage, folks packing pistols and knives, intentionally-offensive boom boxes, frayed tempers, violent films, movies and games. And real blood: the largest prison population in the Western World. Lots of divorce, family abuse, drug abuse, celebrity violence and bizarre murders. And unlimited violence through our opiate of choice, television.
German television reminds me of American television in the 1950s - happy endings and cornball programming, like the old Lawrence Welk show. Pretty tame.

Germany is awash with immigrants - Turks, Poles and Muslims. Summer traffic jams reach 40 miles in length, but no road rage. The camp grounds are full, but the vacationers seem to handle it. The train stations are jammed and hot but people remain polite and seem happy.

Germany has no armaments industry to speak of, unlike my own country. The World knocks on America's door to purchase the tools of state-sanctioned murder. Germany exports no wars: no Granada, no Panama, Nicaragua, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Timor, Guatemala, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Angola, Cambodia or Chile. No Bay of Pigs. No dead Kennedys. No secret 35,000-man Contra army. No clandestine 50,000-man Contra army. No Hmong resettlement problems. No Columbian contract/paramilitary "drug" forces. And no profound domestic drug problems.

But the Germans do drink. Then, after their soccer games, they throw up in the train stations. Heck, in Bavaria, they serve ten-year old kids Hafeweizen beer, a very good beer.

People walk more in Germany. They ride their modest bikes to town, to the recycle depot and to their job. Other automobile alternatives include trains and streetcars or just staying home.

Germany is supposed to be a bad country, full of Nazis, the major vermin of the world. I thought that ended about 60 years ago. Who has taken their place? Today, who has the "master race" mentality to justify oppression of the weak? Which country is the most militaristic, with the most lethal overt forces and the most powerful and secretive covert forces? Not Germany. I don't know if Germany even has a secret police. They must have one.

I know the identity of our secret police - the CIA, FBI, ATF, DHS…and other three-letter threats. We even have generic categories for our ersatz NKVDs: "covert ops", "special forces" and "rapid deployment forces". Who directs all this violence anyway?

In 1963, Allen Dulles, the former Director of the CIA, described the KGB: "[A] multi-purpose, clandestine arm of power…more than an intelligence or counter intelligence organization. It is an instrument for subversion, manipulation and violence, for the secret intervention in the affairs of other countries."

Whom does this describe today?

In Germany, I live in a town of about 20,000 souls. There are two churches with a Sunday attendance of maybe 200. In America we can get that attendance from a town of 1,000. What is going on?

All the German small talk - about the difference between hard butter and soft butter - is just a cover. Small talk is just a mechanism to include everyone yet offend no one, to connect at a lowest common denominator, to insure that no one is left behind. The Germans seem committed to leaving no one behind. Their socialized medicine is quite imperfect, but it is available to everyone, even to their unwashed immigrants.

The Germans don't talk religion, but they seem to be good to people, including the Turks, the Muslims and the many Eastern European refugees whom the United States has refused to help. The Germans don't parrot religious slogans like Americans ("Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and Savior"), but they don't export death either. The Germans have no overwhelming, mega-entertainment industry, drenched in violence, to foist on the rest of this suffering world. The Germans are boring.

Here in Amerika, we are not so boring. We have it all. We have the freedom to make a big stink about religion and, at the same time, the freedom to cheer our troops as they kill people who are not of the master race, from afar, with the latest in high tech weapons.

We have the freedom to ignore our government's covert ops that arm terrorists, support anti-democratic regimes, forment wars, topple governments and kill literally millions of inferior peoples. We have the freedom to do whatever we want and, should our conscience ever be disturbed, we have the freedom to simply turn off the TV. In fact, Mainstream Media has made even this unnecessary by expunging he gruesome details themselves. It's better for business.

We want our entertainment to be exciting, but not so exciting as to be scary. The Germans are content with boring.

In Amerika, being religious means attending church and then talking about it afterwards. In this sense, the Germans aren't religious. But they do seem to be following the instructions of Christ, whereas we seem to be more interested in entertainment - which includes religion.

The Germans know that entertainment can get out of hand. They learned that, about 60 years ago.
